
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Hoping but Afraid to hope

Today I just learned that I had to stop being jealous of other people, but that doesn't make me "un"smarter it only proves that I have more space to develop my intelligence. I gotta be like Goku who likes to meet tougher opponents to improve himself.

(Warning I am not in a good mood right now, so my sentence will be heavily mixed with my feelings and incoherent so let it be a challenge to you if you really want to understand me.)
Now I am better suited to describe what happen to me during the past week(23th to 27th). Ok I went to UKM
and does it fills with flies during the night. Not just any flies, those who like to stick around the artificial lights. Ok but UKM is good too, it has nanotech in masters and PhD.(every university has it too.)
Oh well to get to the point I got to play with AC circuits stuff, stuff you don't play with in school. Like the oscilloscope, function generator, digital multimeter, ahh...... but the resistors, inductors and capacitors you got in school. Oh ya I can say that this camp wasn't as mind challenging as the last one. Well having said that I pay the price of not doing well in the two mechanics questions. Mr. Wee did a good job in teaching us electromagnetic. Dr. Sithi as usual make mechanics a tough time to endure. Here's a sample question. Prove that when a tall and short person walks, the taller one will be faster but when they run, the speed is independent of their height.
Try it, hint this he said is Olympiad level and use dimensional analysis.
In relativity class I didn't went there. I went for the IQ test instead. Took me quite a while to finish it too. Just too bad that I knew I could have done better, I got a few wrong. First she told me to state what's missing in the pictures. That's easy enough so long as you keep your calm, I didn't at the last few pictures. Then.... wait I shouldn't be telling you this, if you know what to expect, you will get an unfair advantage in your IQ test and it doesn't really reflect on your true intelligence. Ok before that I took some EQ test too. I tried to be as honest as I can. But the most unsatisfying part is that they ask about "Tuhan". Ya, they don't know that not all religion believes in an omnipotent god. I don't, so I put totally disagree.

Well now you should now where did I do the EQ test. On Wednesday night, in Zu Ming and Kent Long's(the one who went to the Olympiad last year in Singapore) room, while watching Alien Resurrection. Ok I am sorry to have brothered them at so late an hour. Here I express my feelings of sourness.

Now to the people. People that I share rooms together. There were 4 Muslims, including Adel.
they were in one room. And now the rest of us, nine that is share 3 connected rooms. Connected by toilets. It so happens that 7 out of 9 of us are from Penang. So since they wanna sleep together in 2 rooms, I agreed to switch places with them and I got a Kedah roommate. Well my Kedah roommate wasn't too happy about the penang guys, so I guess I got somewhat influenced by him. (Oh ya all 15 of us are males.) Which I resist and I actually befriended them. Well I do agree they had an "air" of arrogance about them but maybe it's because they are considered the best in their school and they had a lot of friends together which makes making new friends unnecessary. So if anything harmonious is going to exist it was up to me. And I say I didn't did quite a perfect job with that. Only a good enough job so that I could have showered using hot water (you see their toilet near their room has hot water but mine hadn't) but my roommate didn't showered a hot shower during the whole the camp so I feel quite sorry about that. I guess typing it down doesn't clear the karma I have now.

Interlude: They said they were going to videotape us during the experiments during the last camp, but they didn't mentioned it at all this time. However I managed to looked up and discover that they had 4 hidden cameras in the lab. The cameras are white and hemispherical shaped on the ceiling. It seems that I was the only one who noticed the cameras since when I told the others about this they didn't know. The book store in UKM Pustanika wasn't quite good since it doesn't have SAT and TOEFL books unlike UM.

Sooooo now Let's go to more practical things. On Thursday I sat for the IQ test and shortly after that went for the practical test. 4 hours for 4 experiments. And I didn't finished one of them. they require 5 readings but I only got 2 and sent in 1. Too bad lah. And after the test we were free for the night. I went on to venture UKM. Well I went on to the one way lane to the law faculty and had to go through a forest by foot on the road. Well as expected I had to come back by the same lane..... I ran back. That night, I got a late dinner and slept relatively early.
However I woke up sometime around 7 and slept back! So I wasn't angry at anyone went my roommate was panicking about being late. I calm myself down and walked there, being late for 30 minutes for the 4hours theoretical test. I considered myself to do quite well in controlling my feelings so I didn't think it was being late that make me didn't know how to do all of the questions.

Ok now I am chatting with Siraj. And I better say I enjoyed the camp too before I change my mind about it. Ahh.. yes the title, I hope I can go to Iran, cause the chosen 5 will be notified by 10th of May and they will go to Iran, representing the country and meeting Stephen Hawkings!
But I am afraid to hope cause I don't think I can be in the top 5 looking at my performance.......

Monday, April 23, 2007

Finished Manga

I just finished Pretty Face. It's a nice manga. I wish that it has a sequal.

I wanna see Spiderman 3 when it is released. It's gonna be a blast with 3 villains to fight, this movie is gonna win the Oscars.


See you there I am gonna do it.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

How do you blog?

How exactly do you post in your blog? I post when I have the mood to write something cause I wanna make each post readable and meaningful. I also post whatever I feel into the post, so I only wanna post when my mood is good, no point remembering the unpleasant times in my life.

Mistakes are unpleasant to make and it is the hard way to learn. I had made some mistakes in my life so I would like to book it down in the form of what I learned from it.
  • I learned that one should respect other peoples' privacy especially in one's blog where everyone can see it.
Perhaps this is a reminder of the words with great power comes great responsibility. With the internet around, we actually had great powers. Before the internet, the only way to tell everyone anything about you is through TV,radio,newspaper(which you can't get in unless you're important or famous), or by mail or phone(but this is only limited to some friends not all) or by books you published(but not everyone can write a good enough book to get published plus it takes money).
Blogging is the way people expresses their feelings to everyone and anyone in particular. Blogging can be long or it can be short and it is the advantage of it.
And about the responsibility part, be sure not to defame anyone in your blog if you really wanna vent out your anger, you may describe the incident you are angry with but don't mention their real name to protect their privacy.
Ok now I got no more mood to write and I'll just stop here.

Friday, April 20, 2007

IPhO or IChO?

Sorry for not posting for so long. Well from the title you can guess that I selected for both IPhO and IChO! So now I got to choose between those two cause International Chemistry Olympiad Second Camp(UM again) is on the 22nd of April to 25th of April while The International Physics Olympiad Third Camp(UKM new place!) is on the 23rd to 27th. Before I tell you which did I choose, you can read about what happened in the past few weeks and think about which would I choose.

After coming back from the last camp, I did went to MMU and lost badly in the Chinese Chess Competition which shows that I have a lot to learn some more. And nanotech is offered by MMU Cyberjaya. Well the Monthly test was worse than the first one. I got the 10th position in class by the grades but 5th by percentage. No matter now I gotta prepare for the Mid year test.

Now on the 7th of April, a Saturday morning, I when for an archery competition and lost badly(again) well on the night I went to a Buddhist charity concert of GBS and had a good time there I sold my 5 tickets(out of 10) to the audience there. Oh speaking of tickets there is a Fusion Fest tomorrow at Ping Ming School Hall, I will be one of the Rovers who are in charge in the hall. So Anyone who hadn't buy their tickets please do so from High School Upper 6.

On the 14th, (another weekend) I went to Royal Selangor Golf Club (near KLCC) for a MIT conference where the ex-MIT malaysians come to advice us on how to enter this prestigious University. My cousins were there too. William and Jia Long both are quite close and I am glad. It seems that being in the same class has that effect.

Another week had past and on tuesday, I got a message that I can go to IPhO. I went to the school library and returned Lady Luck(which I hadn't finished yet) to borrow up to two physics books. And on the next day I borrowed two more physics books from the library to read before the camp. Haha and now am I busy with reading. Just earlier today I got the news of IChO and now my fellow loyal readers I leave it to you to guess which one am I going to opt for. Leave it as a comment please and thank you.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Don't be afraid to be yourself.

I had just read Angel Dust, a manga. I learned to never be afraid to be yourself, to win, to be the best, even if it means having a lot of people jealous of you(just don't show off). This is inner confidance, this is real power. I shall be the best of me.