
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Form 6 : A Reflection

My Form 6 dream started a few months before SPM. I told Ronald and Han Meng (if my memory serves me right) that I can't wait for form 6 to finish in reply to their can't wait for SPM to finish.

My dream in form 6 is to make a really good friend (preferably a girl), score top in my class, get 100 in all subjects, take up 7 subjects (plus Chinese and Bio) 4 or 5 or 7 flat is a must of course, get popular and most importantly, enjoy my form 6. Look, I was a introvert, book wormish guy and didn't know any girls outside of my primary friends, and didn't even got into top 10 back in my form 5 boys school, with a history of getting 1st in class. So it was only logical to have those dreams.

Malacca High School had been a strange disappointment to me. It's toilet was dirty, the girls not too pretty (sorry ah girls, if you're pretty, this doesn't includes you). The first best thing that happened to me is having my group win the first week's presentation and me as the leader went up stage and received the prize, instant fame! It's not a fully unsatisfactory victory through, I had no experience as a leader and had to rely on other team members to "take over" my job and make our group the best.

I had also made my first enemy during Lower 6. He was just another bully type just that that time, I had run out of my virtues. Now I wish to thank him for teaching me to see who I became then and giving me a chance to change myself. Well, all this happens more in my mind than our interactions.

Ok instead of going through all the form 6 experiences, I'll summarize on the accomplishment of my dreams. Well, my social ability improved, a lot. Even if not enough to make a best friend, I'm confident that I'll improve on further. The popularity factor I had succeeded quite well, well because of unexpected and good circumstances. I took up Further Maths, was famous as a weird Tai Chi fellow, but after I got into the national team of the International Physics Olympiad, I was more famous than ever! Now only the number 1 in class hadn't been realized. Not only I didn't got it, my STPM didn't even get a perfect score! So on a sour note, I had something to regret, but I had gain more out of form 6 than if I hadn't gone into it.

Even now I am still reaping the benefits of form 6, 2 days later, I'm going to receive a prize, not to mention I went to Port Dickson the week before STPM as an finalist for the excellence in co-curriculum award for secondary boy students. And in July I'm going to make Malaysia proud.
Well all this is because of my good karma. I better sow some more good karma while I'm still reaping the good effects.

I hereby apologize if my words sounded arrogant to you. Sorry!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. haha u knoe who help u win the drama competition in form 6 orientation? ahhhh..betta x forget

  3. Of course lah. Want me to mention your name is it? lol, just kidding.


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