
Monday, July 28, 2008

The IPhO experience

Hello again, sorry for taking so long to post another topic about the Ipho, but I've been having lots of fun here. After the last post, I went to The Opening.... oh well I'll tell yo this later, I got some important things to tell you before I go to the closing ceremony. I was sick 3 days ago but now I'm feeling a lot better now, just a bit of running nose left.

And I got Silver medal! See it here. Oh and to impress you on how big a surprise it is to me and how important this medal is to Malaysia, I'll give you some background.

First, to me, I thought I'm doomed to no medal or honourable mention after the Theoretical exam, it was so hard(everyone says so) , I think I hardly got 15 marks for it (turns out I got 11.6). And so doing my best in the Experimental one, I only left 3 marks undone there (I got 16.3). Everyone says that it's easy. So, I was hoping for a HM or Bronze, but decided to just keep my hopes to HM, to avoid disappointment. I thought I got less that what I had last year( 27 marks) turns out I'm almost correct. Rumors has it that 35 marks for gold (it's 33 actually), 20 for bronze(19) and 13 for HM(14or 15), and nothing about silver(don't remember) .But I'm really am glad to got to know that I got silver from Prof. Roslan.

Second, this is the first time malaysia has an medal more than bronze and it means a lot to the IFM, and to me it means Malaysia does produces genius. Go future Olympians, go and make your country proud!


  1. Congratulations for winning the Silver Medal for Malaysia in IPhO! Coincidentally, Zhi Kin won the first Silver Medal for Malaysia in IMO too!

  2. Hello Xin Zhao,

    Let me be the first one to congratulate you here. I am really proud of your achievement, and you surely deserve all the back-pattings and kudos you'll get in the next few weeks. I appreciate how hard it is to win a Silver, the toil and sweat you endured to bring back the first IPhO Silver to Malaysia.

    Your compatriot Loke Zhi Kin also netted our first IMO Silver Medal a few days ago. I had tears in my eyes when I heard this news confirmed.

    This is truly a milestone for our education system, and the race is for the first Malaysian Olympiad Gold Medal.

    I am equally proud of both of you, and hope the momentum will continue for both teams going forward. I think you two should get together, for an interview or something. You guys are inspirations to Malaysian students.

    Best regards,
    IMO Malaysia Team (Observer A)

  3. My heartiest congratulations goes to you for all your effort and hard work. This is indeed a very significant milestone since the days when Malaysia was kinda non-performing in the International Olympiads.

    Congrats again and do make sure that you apply to those places like MIT and Stanford. You stand a very very good chance with this achievement.

    Take care and cheers,
    Ern Sheong

  4. Hello and congratulations!
    I'm a Malaysian cosmologist, and I'd love to share my experience with anyone who aspires to be a physicist or a scholar in general.
    I agree with Suhaimi above that your success should see more publicity, to inspire more Malaysians to do their best.

  5. We have met during UFO I think.
    It is indeed an important achievement for IPhO team. Congratulations!!!

    Hope to see you around.

  6. boy oh boy ... i do have some very smart friends, dont i? haha ... congrats dude

  7. Tahniah, you finally got there!

    So can start inventing time machine ado? : )

  8. A big congratulations for winning a Silver Medal in IPhO! It is the best ever result for Malaysia and it is not a very easy job indeed. You've create a milestone for Malaysia's achievement in international olympiad. We are really proud of you, give yourself a clap!


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