
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Plans, my last days in Malaysia

Sorry for the lack of update for last month. Resuming after the family reunion, I came back on Sunday, then went to RedBox at the Curve for a 7hours(should have been 6) of singing with 3 of my cousins for a whooping RM 25 per person! Then off I went to Penang on Thursday. During which 5 of us cousins, missing my sis, had a very good time playing. After putting a lot of games inside my laptop, I came back on Monday with William and Michelle.

A week later, after going to Malacca again, I came to the last camp to find out that I was the best among the top 5. I was awarded a book, Physics for Scientists and Engineers With Modern Physics 2008 edition! The top 5 are not the same as last year but it's my fault for comparing. Each year the team have different members and so they will have different "atmosphere" so to speak.

Now I'm studying like never before for the IPhO! And the future...

Later, on the 15th, I'll be going to Singapore for the UFO. Coming back on 17th and going to UKM on the 18th to go to Vietnam straight away. I'll be in Vietnam from the 20th to the 30th of July. Flying back, I'll have to rush to Singapore on the 31st to register for NUS! And it's there I'll stay for 4 long years(except on Chinese New Year of course!)

So from now till the 15th, These days are my last in Malaysia, for some months at least. I really dunno what to think, I have seen many friends with their last days in Malaysia too, dunno what they think.


  1. Physics for Engineers and Scientist, 2008 edition? *gasp* Is it by Giancoli? That book is rather expensive...I only have a much older version...

  2. It's by Serway and Jewett. 7th edition with the twin towers as cover page.


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