
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Overseas Trip

Just last night, I received a sms from USP people. "hi guys. i duno if vindy has yet 2 inform u guys tt ur in for the bia! ewlcome!=) just 2 inform u, there is a complusory meeting this wed 6 to 8pm where u will get 2 meet each other. our acad mentors and listen 2 impt guest lectures. c u at usp conf rm ya.=)"

I had no idea what "bia" is and what "tt" is. Just knew that there's a USS talk at that time, so I decided to ignore it, cause I was busy. Then later that night, I didn't get the mass email to invite me to go to Japan, the UQR module which costs about $2500 in total. Haiz, just a few hours after the batch that got the good messages, we got the rejection email. But just this morning, I got a email saying that I got selected for Buddhism in Asia (bia!!) Global Programme.
Here I quote the programme email that got me interested to apply.

"Spending an approximate 12 days overseas, and 3 days in Singapore, the entire programme is a research-intensive one, involving field observations and academic reflections. It is a requirement of the GP for students to accomplish a substantial paper of publishable quality after the trip. Prior to the trip, participants will be given the free option to choose their topics of interest. They will later venture to write research papers on their chosen subject. To give participants a sense of the workings of the academia, these working papers will also be presented at a conference to serve as a platform for individual works to be peer-reviewed."


13 May 2009 to 29 May 2009


Singapore, Thailand and Taiwan


Each USP student selected will be expected to pay about SG$800, which will go towards the airfare and other fees. The rest will be subsidized by USP.


Each selected USP student must:

- be avaliable and committed for the entire course of the programme ( this means attending all 3 pretrip seminars, to the trip itself and to post-trip meetings and the conference)

- be prepared to write an individual or group research paper on a specific topic related to the overarching themes of this programme.

- be committed towards writing field trip reports.

Only 12 USP students will be selected to participate in this programme. There are no restrictions on year or major. Students who are interested, please submit the items stated below. You will be required to attend an interview.
- Your Resume (no longer than 2 types)
- An Essay: What is it about this programme which interests you and how do you intend to contribute during and especially after the end of this programme?

Well, it's the same time as the UQR module, but I applied it as a safety net, lol, didn't realise I would actually made it. It's the first time I had to write a CV too. Here it is.

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Ng Xin Zhao

Address: -perhaps I should not display this one.

Nationality: Malaysian


Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Keh Seng: Primary 1 to 3.

Skipped Primary 4 in Penilaian Tahap Rendah.

Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Pei Fong 2: Primary 5 and 6.

Obtained Ujian Pecapaian Sekolah Rendah.

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seri Kota: Secondary 1.

St. Francis Institution: Secondary 2 to 5.

Obtained Penilaian Menengah Rendah

Obtained Sijil Pendidikan Malaysia:

Sijil Pendidikan Malaysia (Malaysian Certificate of Education)

Bahasa Melayu










Additional Mathematics








Chinese Language


English for Science and Technology


Malacca High School: Upper and Lower 6.

Obtained Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia

Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (Malaysian Higher School Certificate)

Pengajian Am (General Paper)


Mathematics T


Further Mathematics T






National University of Singapore: Currently year 1.

Fellowships and Awards:

Honourable Mention for the International Physics Olympiad 2007

Silver Medal for the International Physics Olympiad 2008

Mensa member of Malaysia.

Anugerah Belia Remaja Pendidikan 2008

Areas of Research Interest or Areas of Specialization or Areas of Competence/ Expertise or Principal Research:

Physics, Buddhism, Mathematics, Specifically, the philosophy of Buddhism and how does it fits in or doesn’t fits in with the finding of Physics.

Teaching Experience:

Taught Further Mathematics Personal Tuition for 2 months.

Works in Progress:

Papers Review on the Topic of Closed Timelike Curves.

Languages: English(fluent), Chinese(native), Malay(intermediate).

But then the complusory meeting! I may not be able to make it. Just then the next email said that the USS talk is delay to 1 week later...... imagine the list of coincidences that made it possible for me to take this programme. So I am still overjoyed, writing this blog and wanted to share it.

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