
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Today is Wednesday!

Year 2 Semester 2 is not easy. It's wayyyyyyy harder than just 1 year before. Mainly because I'm taking 4 level 3 modules, 1 level 2 and 1 level 4 module. And I expect it to be easier than last semester!

Half a week has gone by and it feels like a week of one of the busiest period in my year 1. Tomorrow I'm going to repeat it again. I'm seriously wondering what type of person I am if I still can sleep at 11p.m. and wake up so late at 7a.m. everyday. I should sleep now and wake up at 3a.m. or else there'll be no time to do anything at all! I got to admit that I did quite a good job putting a lot of the preliminaries modules upfront so that I can finish them off fast. And from next semester onwards, I'm capable of relaxing a bit more. 5 per semester should be enough, if I'm not overly greedy again.

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