
Sunday, July 11, 2010

NUS Module Review: PC1144 Physics 4

Description:This module introduces the ideas of modern physics to students, with an emphasis on conceptual understanding. Topics covered are a) Einstein's theory of special relativity, including time dilation, length contraction, and his famous equation E=mc2, b) Quantum physics, where the observed phenomena of black body radiation, the photoelectric effect and Compton scattering, leading to the quantization of angular momentum and energy, atomic transitions and atomic spectra, c) Introduction to quantum mechanics, introducing the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, wave-mechanics and wave particle duality, and the use of wavefunctions in predicting the behaviour of particles trapped in potential wells, d) Nuclear physics, introducing radioactivity and decay processes, nuclear interaction and binding energy, fission and fusion, and e) Sub-atomic elementary particles and their classification. The module is targeted at science students who are interested in learning about the more recent developments in physics, and is an essential for physics majors.
2lecture hours per week
1tutorial hours per week
1lab hours per week
2hours for projects, assignments, fieldwork etc per week
4hours for preparatory work by a student per week

Personal Experience:
One of the easiest module to source, you may want to consider taking QM1 along side this one and MA1506, it makes more sense and some topics overlap. For me it is really just another free A. Too bad I didn't put enough effort to make it an easy A+.

Teaching Staff:
Asst Prof Chung Keng Yeow tries to let the students be fascinated with the mysteries of Special Relativity and Quantum Theory. Same as Peter Ho, through, bring some sweets to the lectures. And be sure to seek outer sources if you can't understand the slides. And be sure to read the slides before going into the class.

Same as the other level 1 physics modules (read the other reviews), just do your best and A is not hard to get!

Still mostly pre-Quantum stuff, but there's a very valuable experience of solving the Schrödinger's equation. No General Relativity maths here, and this is all you'll get of Special Relativity, so be sure to appreciate it and learn it well.

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