
Friday, July 16, 2010

Updates on my life!

Hi all,

Another uninspiring title, but oh well, I got enough updates to make one more post! I better do it for there are many events I would like to be noted down here!

After the meditation retreat, I've been to facebook and meet one of the most interesting and coolest guy around: Tashi Pandito. He's an aspiring Bodhisattva and incoming physics major! Needless to say, I got him to want to join in SPS! (Or else very little chance to interact between us and also he can meet future people that will work in his company). He's the only one (who's junior of me that I know of) that has the closest in interest with me in Physics and Buddhism!

Ok, then I went to MDC on Monday night and share my experiences of the retreat that I just came back from one day before! That is after Xin Qin and Rebecca's sharing of their retreat experience, which I'm glad to find out that they got the inspiration from my going for the short term monkhood!

Then there's the upcoming MSL (Malaysian Student League) UFO (University Freshmen Orientation) that was ongoing and planning out. And also I've been to Nanyang Polytechnic Buddhist Society (before going to retreat) that was when I started to decide to take up NUSBS MC again (no small thanks to Carmen)! And then after the retreat, I've seen and feed on the food of Dharma good enough to start afresh! All those hard work during the past year... it was worth it!

On the 3rd July, I've tried to go to NTU to join in the Youth Olympic Games venue familiarization. However, I can't find the place for quite a long time and when I sms the organizer, she said they were at LT12, and there's only one LT 12, and the creepy thing is that I'm at the outside of LT12 and it's empty! Weird case of trans-dimensional communication? Maybe there's 2 worlds, and I'm communicating with the world where they are in LT12 but I'm in the world where they are not!

Anyway, it just got creepy because I was reading on this book in the NTU Library (Since I came to NTU): Breaking the Time Barrier: The Race to Build the First Time Machine By Jenny Randles. Strict Physicist Review: (almost) completely nutty. Not worth the read, made me glad I didn't buy that book a few years back.

Almost completely nutty- and this is from a physics undergrad student who spend 1 year on time travel research.

Most of the concepts there are better explained by other popular time travel books and some of them which are clearly crackpot cases, she puts it in a chapter and wrote as if they could become real anytime soon! There's even one chapter on using quantum entanglement to do FTL(Faster than Light)! Sorry gal, but I've been there, if Time travel is to be done it will be in GR, not quantum. Not worth the buy, almost not worth the read. Her last idea in the book seems good enough as an experimental observational study: to find out and examine events that might point to a naturally occurring time travel phenomena.

Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel by Michio Kaku
is a more worthwhile read, providing many guidelines to my science fiction book!

Then after a trip to the library, a trip to a mall, I ended the day with a trip to the library with comic books as my companion! I like to read those Superheroes comics! They give such inspiration and wonder and exploration of the superheroes science fiction!

The next week was busy getting my presentation and programming done. And also to get one job off, the website for Valerio's group in CQT has been delayed! Then that weekend I missed!?!? the graduating ceremony of my fellow physics seniors! Sorry Ah Siang, gonna miss yours too.

Then the next day I'm in Poh Ming Tse, recapping and feedbacking on the possible improvements etc.... for the Awaken Challenge competition! There I've meet a lot of friends that I had meet in the Awaken Challenge and would meet again just a few hours ago in the Buddhism and Science Symposium.

Incidentally, that night was the Finals of the World Cup, which prompted my previous post! And then.... the MDC Monday night again was cool as it was about Jit Seng & co. trip to the Himalayans and also the 2 new people who took over Kai kok as the organizer for MDC!

Tuesday and Wednesday night I went to the MSL UFO (as stated earlier) and got bored after a while (cause there's no senior sharing session for course of study yet). Then I came back and finish up my presentation for the Wednesday's presentation to DSI! It was nice and fun! Then also Wednesday afternoon, my supervisor, Valerio, asked John Baez (who dabbled in Quantum Gravity!) to come and have lunch with us (his big group)!

Thursday I went to lunch with my DSI supervisor, Dr. Lee and we shared about our Buddhism Views. Then I went and joined the farewell party for Charles, who is leaving in 2 weeks time to the Swiss, Geneva, near LHC! And after that was a rush to the Buddhism and Science Symposium in Suntec City (first time I've been there)! You can only imagine my gladness to see familiar faces around that was the volunteers helpers! My NTUBS friends who also went for the Meditation retreat was there, one by one I saw them! Along with a few polyBS friends that I've mentioned, we all sat and listened to a wonderful 2 hours++ talk and Q&A by Dr. Alan Wallace, Dr. Paul Ekman, and Ven.(Dr.) Jing Yin!

Finally I had better sleep now! See ya all next time!

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